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The CFA station was a hive of activity after about 20 youngsters arrived to enjoy Messy Church on Friday 23rd November. 

After registration, the children had some fun as shepherds looking after their sheep (white and black balloons) and managed to get their sheep into the correct sheep pens.

Then it was time to get creative and make some sheep and shepherd puppets or to try the colouring/decorating activities. sock sheep puppet making
sock sheep puppet making colour and decoratecolour and decorate

shepherd puppet
shepherd puppet paper plate puppetpaper plate puppet









paper sheep puppetpaper sheep puppetParticipants took one of their puppets across to the Co-operative Church to join in the storytime session which included a puppet play written by visiting minister Brian and Desri, where they learnt how we are all like sheep and that Jesus is The Good Shepherd.

A light meal was then enjoyed by all and the sheep were rounded up to go home with their creators.

Thanks to everyone who participated.... look out for the next session in 2019.

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‘MESSY CHURCH’ Underbool Term 4 after school activity event for children, hosted by members of Underbool churches, activities geared for school aged children but younger siblings also welcome to come with their parent.


“Follow the Good Shepherd”

WHEN:      Friday 23rd November, 2018   4.00 to ~5.45pm.

WHERE:    Underbool CFA Station / Cooperative Church building

WHAT’s On: puppet crafts, Bible story,

A light meal and drink for all attending

Children to be accompanied by an adult*.   Gold coin donation per child

Activities begin at the Underbool CFA Station at 4.00pm

RSVP appreciated by Wednesday 21st November
contact Nita Wandel 50946226, Joan Willsmore 50946310, Jo Morrison 0427217111, Margaret Prentice 0408130170 or Rosemary Jackson 50946394

*NB. The adult can be a parent, grandparent, aunty, uncle, willing neighbour etc., as arranged by the parent) as parents may be working or have other commitments on that day.