Mystery animal reported
2 Nov 12
Travellers on the Mallee Highway reported seeing a 'long jet black animal' padding slowly through a paddock just west of Underbool on Wednesday October 17th.
It was carrying its long tail in a low curve and its front shoulders seemed to slightly jut above the line of its spine. Its head appeared small compared to its body and seemed square with a broad flat top and no obvious ears.
The animal was clearly visible above the crop, but when aware of being observed, it 'flung its hind quarters around in one jump and headed straight into the crop at a crouch'. Both husband and wife agreed it was a very big animal.
(source: letter to editor, North West Express Nov 1, 2012)
Locals beware and be on the lookout for this unidentified creature and keep your camera handy to photograph any unusual sightings.