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Underbool Press June 2024

Underbool Press 26th June

Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool. Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or at


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

Jun 2024 – Comms Officer Robert Gloster

30/06     Doug Gloster


Underbool Primary School - Key dates:

Friday 28th June – End of term 2.              Monday 15th July – Term 3 begins


Nutrien Ag Solutions Underbool

On Monday the 13th May, we welcomed the new Nutrien Ag team to Underbool. Please come in and make yourself known. We may all be in different shirts but it’s the same friendly service.

Our social afternoon/evening for the official introduction of the Nutrien Ag team will be on Friday 28th June, 3pm onwards, we hope to see you all there. Catering supplies by ‘The Taste Lab’ and the bar will be open.

 Ash & Tracie Corbett


Pink Lakes Pantry

A big thank you to Jo Goodman and her assistant, Fiona Scott, who deliver  the bakery order three times a week during the school term. Thanks also to a few locals who have helped when Jo or Fiona have been unavailable.

As the school holidays begin at the end of this week we are looking for volunteers to pick up the bakery order from Ouyen and deliver it to the shop by 10:30am on the following dates : Mon 8th July, Wed 10th July, Fri 12th July.

If you can help please let me know, or put your name on the calendar at the shop.

Thanks, Helen Gloster


Underbool-Linga Memorial Hall

Earlier this year we applied for ‘Tiny Towns’ funding to do some repairs to the north/west section of the hall. We have been notified that our application was unsuccessful.    H. Gloster (Sec)


MRCC – Glass recycling service commences 1st July

Underbool’s first collection will be on Tuesday 2nd July so don’t forget to put your purple bin out for collection on the evening of Monday 1st July.

Bin collection calendars are available at the MRCC Ouyen Service Centre or online.


MRCC Libraries July School Holiday Programs

Walpeup on 2nd July 3pm   OR    Underbool 9th July 11.30am 
Looking for a holiday activity? Come to the library (at the hall) and make your own Wind Chimes. No bookings required

Ouyen Library 

11am, Thursday 4 July  make an Emoji cushion

2pm, Thursday 11 July  Wind Chimes

School holiday programs are for young people aged 5-13 years. Young people must be supervised by an adult during sessions. All activities are FREE.


The Longest Table- Sunday 14th July 2024 at 12pm

Previously we have held very successful Girls Nights In. After having a few years off we thought we would try something different to raise funds for cancer research.

RSVP interest by 1st July, or for more information, to Helen Brown (0408998444) or Amanda Hayter (0428946398)




Weeah Landcare Group Inc.

AGM / Dinner Meeting  (Using the new barbeque Trailer) Wednesday 26th June 2024, 5.30 pm at Torrita Hall

A Salad would be appreciated. Meat and Sweets provided.    

All Welcome.           Ron Jackson President             Lyn Pryse Sec/Treas


Junior Golf Tournament - Robinvale July 5th


Opportunity to compete with others from other areas of Victoria.


Entry form and more information :


Next typist -  After the holidays - 17th July: Helen Gloster



Underbool Press 19th June

Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool. Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or at


 Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

Jun 2024 – Comms Officer Robert Gloster

23/06     Robert Gloster

30/06     Doug Gloster


Underbool Primary School

Key dates:

Friday 14th - Student free day

Wednesday 19th -Mildura Eisteddfod & School Council meeting

 Friday 28th June – End of term 2.


Underbool-Linga Memorial Hall

Thanks to MRCC for the small load of gravel they gave us.

A big thank you to Ian Beasley and Hamish Farnsworth, along with members of the hall committee, for spreading the gravel in the carpark. Thanks also to those who have done some pruning, weeding, raking up leaves etc.

Your help is greatly appreciated.               H. Gloster (Sec)


Save The Date

Weeah Landcare Group Inc. AGM / Dinner Meeting  (Using the new barbeque Trailer)

Wednesday 26th June 2024, 5.30 pm at Torrita Hall

A Salad would be appreciated, Meat and Sweets provided

All Welcome.                                                                               Ron Jackson President     Lyn Pryse Sec/Treas


MRCC Rural Outreach Library Service

Next visit is Tuesday June 25th. Browse the shelves, learn what is available, investigate the Seed Library, join in June Chat - this month's topic is related to 'Royal' things and you are welcome to bring some memorabilia or anecdotes to share or just come to enjoy the conversation and a cuppa together.


Nutrien Ag Solutions Underbool

On Monday the 13th May, we welcomed the new Nutrien Ag team to Underbool. Please come in and make yourself known. We may all be in different shirts but it’s the same friendly service.

Our social afternoon/evening for the official introduction of the Nutrien Ag team will be on Friday 28th June, 3pm onwards, we hope to see you all there. Catering supplies by ‘The Taste Lab’ and the bar will be open.

Ash and Tracie Corbett


Typist next week 26th June: Helen Gloster



Underbool Press 12th June 

Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool. Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or at


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

 The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

Jun 2024 – Comms Officer Robert Gloster

16/06     Matt Funke

23/06     Robert Gloster

30/06     Doug Gloster



Block of land located at 46 Fasham Street Underbool, including Shed, measuring approx 12.5 mts x 13.5 mts. The rear section of the shed has a sloping roof, ideal
for a small workshop or storage area.

Rainwater tanks are located on both sides of the shed. Mains water and electricity are connected to the block.

(Fuel tank & BP bowser not included)

Written submissions can be emailed to before Sunday 16th June 2024.

Inquiries to: Gayle Lynch 0457 964 318 or  Rhonda Lockett 0428 586 726


Underbool Primary School

Key dates:

Friday 14th - Student free day

Wednesday 19th -Mildura Eisteddfod & School Council meeting

Friday 28th June – End of term 2.


Save The Date

Weeah Landcare Group Inc. AGM / Dinner Meeting  (Using the new barbeque Trailer)

Wednesday 26th June 2024, 5.30 pm at Torrita Hall. A Salad would be appreciated.  Meat and Sweets provided

All Welcome.       Ron Jackson President,     Lyn Pryse Sec/Treas



Nutrien Ag Solutions Underbool

On Monday the 13th May, we welcomed the new Nutrien Ag team to Underbool. Please come in and make yourself known. We may all be in different shirts but it’s the same friendly service.

Our social afternoon/evening for the official introduction of the Nutrien Ag team will be on Friday 28th June, 3pm onwards, we hope to see you all there. Catering supplies by ‘The Taste Lab’ and the bar will be open.

Ash and Tracie Corbett


Typist next week 19th June:  Rhonda Lockett


Underbool Press 5th June

Mallee Border Health Centre

Di Thornton, Nurse Practitioner, is available by appointment on Tuesdays in Underbool. Appointments can be made by calling 0885778065 or at


Underbool CFA Fire Truck Roster

The truck can be taken out any day during your rostered week.

Jun 2024 – Comms Officer Robert Gloster

09/06     Steven McVicar

16/06     Matt Funke

23/06     Robert Gloster

30/06     Doug Gloster



Block of land located at 46 Fasham Street Underbool, including Shed, measuring approx 12.5 mts x 13.5 mts. The rear section of the shed has a sloping roof, ideal for a small workshop or storage area.

Rainwater tanks are located on both sides of the shed. Mains water and electricity are connected to the block.

(Fuel tank & BP bowser not included)

Written submissions can be emailed to before Sunday 16th June 2024.

Inquiries to: Gayle Lynch 0457 964 318 or Rhonda Lockett 0428 586 726


Youth Church - Table Tennis and Tacos

Underbool Primary School

Key dates:

Friday 14th - Student free day

Wednesday 19th -Mildura Eisteddfod & School Council meeting

Friday 28th June – End of term 2.


Nutrien Ag Solutions Underbool

On Monday the 13th May, we welcomed the new Nutrien Ag team to Underbool. Please come in and
make yourself known. We may all be in different shirts but it’s the same friendly service.

Our social afternoon/evening for the official introduction of the Nutrien Ag team will be on Friday 28th June, 3pm onwards, we hope to see you all there. Catering supplies by ‘The Taste Lab’ and the bar will be open.


Typist next week 12th June: Helen Gloster