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Colours of Life

 With special guest - artist Lynton Allan


sketch and tell - reveals something about yourselfsketch and tell - reveals something about yourself

 pastels art workshoppastels art workshop






'Still-Life' fruit bowl - reminder of the good fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control, that will be seen in our lives when we live God's way'Still-Life' fruit bowl - reminder of the good fruits: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control, that will be seen in our lives when we live God's way

children's artworkchildren's artwork

Lynton with the finished Sketch of Kooki - a story of God's love, forgiveness and invitation to be part of His familyLynton with the finished Sketch of Kooki - a story of God's love, forgiveness and invitation to be part of His family








Messy Church is on again- Friday October 18th 

With special guest - artist Lynton Allan

 WHEN:      Friday 18th October, 2019   4.00 to ~5.45pm.

WHERE:    Underbool CFA Station / Cooperative Church building

WHAT’s On: creative arts, Bible story,

A light meal and drink for all attending

Children to be accompanied by an adult*.   Gold coin donation per child

Activities begin at the Underbool CFA Station at 4.00pm

RSVP appreciated by Wednesday 16th October
contact Nita Wandel 50946226, Jo Morrison 0427217111,

*NB. The adult can be a parent, grandparent, aunty, uncle, willing neighbour etc., as arranged by the parent) as parents may be working or have other commitments on that day.