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Underbool Swimming Pool


Phone: 03 50946266



Open for 2024/2025 season from November 1st.


Past events:

End of Season Pool Party Saturday 23rd March 2019


Summer fun 2019

Things are starting to heat up with the launch our new Summer Calendar of Fun, which includes a range of activities and events for you to enjoy with your friends and family this coming January.
Check out our calendar, lock in these dates now and come have some fun with the Aligned Leisure Team this summer - we'd love to see you here!

Aligned Leisure January 2019 programAligned Leisure January 2019 program


For any questions about the up-coming pool season please contact Aligned Leisure


Caitlin Byrne – Mildura Leisure Manager   0417 579 869


Simon Bryson – Mildura Transition Manager   0402 289 323





The Underbool Pool Committee would like to thank past and present members for their commitment to our local pool since its beginning in 1974.

We acknowledge the hard work of many committee and community members in the building of, establishing, fundraising for and day to day running of this valuable community asset.

In particular the Underbool Pool Committee wish to publically acknowledge Ian Beasley for the day to day maintenance of our pool from November to March for the last 36 years! AMAZING JOB SNAGS!!

2018/2019: At the decision of the Mildura Rural City Council the Underbool pool committee has been dissolved. MRCC along with Richmond Football Club's Aligned Leisure are responsible for the maintenance and running of the Underbool Pool.

Welcome Aligned Leisure to the Underbool community!


Also, a new Underbool pool advisory group will be formed in the upcoming weeks to act as a consulting, advising and promoting body for our pool.  We are encouraging any interested community members to be involved in this new transition for our pool.  Please contact Jo Morrison (0427 217 111  or with your interest by Friday the 26th October.




November opening hours:

3.45 -6.45pm Monday to Friday

2-7pm Saturday to Sunday

The forecast needs to be for temperatures above 26oC for the pool to open.



Swimming Program 2018
Maureen Wandel is conducting
Swimming squad training on Monday and Wednesday afternoons at the Underbool Pool.


Swimming lessons TBA by Aligned Leisure











Please contact Sonia McVicar on 0403698377 for more information

2018 Summer Swimming lessons are continuing: instructors - Joy Lynch & Maureen Wandel


Pool membership required on entry.

Family memberships are $65

Single Adult $35

Children/Students/Pensioners $30



 Payment for season memberships can be made via direct deposit, cheque or cash. (Please make cheques payable to MRCC Underbool Swimming Pool.)

Direct Deposit Details:

MRCC Underbool Swimming Pool

BSB: 083-776

Account: 48 870 8925

Please ensure that you include your name if direct depositing.




2018 summer opening hours:

Monday to Friday                 4pm to 7pm

Saturday                                2pm to 7pm

Sunday                                  2pm to 7pm

Public Holidays                   2pm to 7pm


Special opening on extreme heat days:  may open at 10am to 12noon then again 4pm to 7pm, check Underbool Community Facebook page for updates on times

If you are unsure phone the pool on 50946266 and if we are open the lifeguards will answer.


If you have any concerns or queries during the season please feel free to speak to our committee.


Jo Morrison 0437256367    ( Rep)