Underbool Golf Club
Sporting a 9 hole "country" course and spacious club house the club has thrived over the years.
Due to declining numbers able to run the club and maintain the grounds, it was a very sad time when the decision was made to close the Underbool Golf Club. Many happy rounds of golf have been enjoyed by community members over the years, with tournaments held and comaderie of players benefiting all ages involved.
AGM Monday 28th March 2022 - decision to be made on viability of this year's season. Please attend or send apology to Bev if you are interested to play golf.
It’s wonderful that restrictions are easing and with that, I am ecstatic to let everyone know that the Underbool Golf Club are intending to open up for this season.
Golf is a rewarding sport as it gets you out of your home and encourages you to do some exercise as you walk around the golf course, interrupted only by the hitting of the ball, (or stopping to have a drink). The game is very casual and allows you to catch up with old friends or if you are new to town, to meet new ones. We would love to see you on the golf course this year.
At this stage, we are still unsure of the opening date, and need a bit more rain on the course. We have two men that have offered to mow the course. If you feel like volunteering to help with the maintenance of the course, then give Bev a call on 0401155637.
To run our lovely club, it costs approximately $2,000.00 per year. Cost includes, water and power bills, council rates, liquor licence and insurance for public liability. Hence, we have also changed our fee structure to be.
If you would like to be a member of the Underbool Golf Club Inc. for season 2021 then the cost of a membership/donation is $100.00, (this cost includes all green fees for the season). If you are just playing a round (casual member), then the green fee is $10.00. I know that a lot of us, (not me thought) are becoming very efficient with using bank transfers, if you prefer to use this option please pay your membership/green fees to the Clubs bank details listed below:
Pay to: Underbool Golf Club Incorporated
BSB: 083 776 Account Number: 5160 48056
Please reference your name so we know who has paid.
See you on the course.
Bev Cummings, Secretary Underbool Golf Club
The golf season opened on Sunday 20th May with a casual round of 9 holes. 7 Ladies played 3 ball best ball and 2 men played stroke. We had mention that “golf’ won the game out of the men and the winners in the ladies were Colleen A, Bev, Kylie and Marg. After a year off playing, the course has good coverage but of course we all need a little bit (or a lot) of rain!
Don’t forget that golf will be on every Sunday, hit off at 12.30pm for a more casual and social approach to the year. All welcome. Memberships are $70 for the season payable to Jenny Stone and $5.00 a game on the day.
The golf club is still missing its urn. If anyone knows of its whereabouts, can you please let Bev Cummings know on 0401155637. Thank you.
Adult membership this year is $70.00
2014 Syllabus