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Underbool Primary School No 3819


Phone: 03 5094 6342

Fax: 03 5094 6369





Cotter St


Vic 3509



The School opened in 1913.


Parents and Friends: Pres. Kylie Aikman, Sec. Jo Morrison

School Council: Pres. Sonia McVicar,  Sec. Prue Lynch  Treas. Kylie Aikman


2020: Exciting outdoor projects are currently underway at the school.

working on the outdoor classroom structureworking on the outdoor classroom structureAn outdoor classroom structure and a permanent wheelchair access ramp have been completed by Vallance Constructions. Suitable outdoor furniture will be added to finish the classroom.This was made possible thanks to Colleen's OMO competition win of $20K for which she nominated UPS as the recipient. Well done Colleen!

Underbool PS is registered as a "Bushfire At Risk" school and as such was successful in receiving a grant from the Education Department to remodel the garden areas using fire retardant plants, removing trees close to the buildings and generally make improvements considering fire risk. Colourful statement of school values - Respect, Enthusiasm, Achievement, PersistenceColourful statement of school values - Respect, Enthusiasm, Achievement, PersistenceAnother successful school application was to the Federal Government's Local School Community Grant fund. The $15K from this grant is providing four coloured pencils featuring the school values, screens, three new flagpoles and flags, an outdoor clock and has also contributed to paying for the ramp. The pencils have been installed thanks to Phil Aikman and Neil Jennings.

When restrictions lift, Kristen Aikman, Sonia MCVicar, Kylie Aikman and Prue Lynch will be getting their team of parent volunteers together to work on the garden development. We look forward to enjoying the new garden.

Garden shade structures may be further additions if funding can be sourced. Watch this space for further news.




2011: As part of a beautification project in the school grounds, Name Pavers were purchased to be placed within paved areas. The project was  unveiled during the Underbool Centenary weekend held in October 2011.