Underbool-Linga Memorial Hall
12 - 14 Malkin Avenue
Vic 3509
The Hall is one of the excellent facilities in the town. It is managed by a volunteer committee of management. For Hall bookings please ring the Secretary.
Contact. President Ron Jackson 5094 6394 or 0427 946 394
Secretary Helen Gloster 5094 6305
Treasurer Rosemary Jackson
Committee members Dorothy Brown, Hany Georges, Neil Jackson, Roy Manley, Scott Brammer, Vicki Manley
April 10th 2024: Garden working bee at the hall successfully finished tidying up much of the hall grounds and some much needed gutter cleaning was also achieved. Thanks to all volunteers who helped get the jobs done - either in the days prior to the working bee or on the actual day.
Several trailer loads of prunings and weeds were removed with some more pruning yet to be done to bring the height of shrubs down.
February 2021: A Covid Safe plan has been approved by the committee of management. The aim is to maintain a safe environment for our community and visitors to the hall. All users should familiarise themselves with the plan and follow these guidelines (which adhere to current DHHS requirements).