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Dates for your diary


Nurse Practioner Di Thornton began consulting on October 5th 2017 on Thursdays at Underbool MTHCs centre. From- August 28th 2018 -, Di Thornton will be consulting on Tuesday mornings at Underbool - appointments can be made online at  or call 08 8577 8065 or mobile 0448522703


Mallee Muscles exercise program (run by MTHCs) every Tuesday 2pm at Recreation Reserve or if inclement weather-at the Underbool Linga Hall.  $5 per person per session.  more details

The following groups are temporarily cancelled due to covid19 restrictions:

Tuesdays: Men's Planned Activity Group 11am at Underbool Linga Hall RSVP to Penny or Cindy 50921111

Wednesdays: Ladies Planned Activity Group at Underbool Linga Hall 10am - 3pm


December 2024

5th Jack Lockett will celebrate his 99th birthday at the bowls club see details on Nov 27 Underbool Press

8th  Community carols at Ouyen Lake 7.30pm

15th Youth Church at Underbool Linga Hall 2.30-4.00pm  details on Underbool Press19th Underbool Primary school concert

19th UPS concert at Underbool Linga Hall 6.30pm

21st Underbool Social evening - Christmas edition  from 6pm

24th Christmas Eve catch up at Outen Park , Santa visiting ~7.30pm





August 2024

 17th  Football Netball at Underbool Linga Recreation Reserve

           Vinelander train coming through Underbool at approx 11.15am and 3.10pm

22nd  Underbool Linga Hall general meeting 7pm  at the hall

25th Snakes and Stretchers  Youth Church 3-5pm at Underbool Recreation Reserve

28th Underbool Progress Group AGM 7pm at the Underbool Linga Hall.

30th AFL Tipping competition wind-up and presentations for tipping participants and families, details



June 2024

28th Ashley and Tracie Corbett's social afternoon/evening celebrating 22 years of achievements and service to the community via Corbett's Rural Supplies.  from 3pm onwards at Recreation Reserve


3rd 'Biggest Morning Tea' 10am meet at Spiilt Milk, Cotter St Underbool BYO chair, donations to cancer research

5th Allan Webster-Country music artist performing at Murrayville Seniors' Centre 2pm, $15pp

6th MRCC immunisation clinic at Underbool Linga Hall 1.45pm  Appointments required
The flu shot is free for babies and children aged between 6 months and under 5 years, people aged over 65, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, pregnant women and people with chronic illness.  A fee of $22, payable by EFTPOS on the day, applies to all others.

12th Underbool Social Event: Mothers' Day 3 course Luncheon 12.30pm Underbool Recreation Reserve with Alex and Dan's 'The Taste Lab Ouyen -Street Kitchen & Eatery'. Bookings required Details here

14th 9am-12noon free health check with Ambulance Victoria's Jacob at Underbool Mallee Track Health Clinic

18th Football/Netball: Ouyen Kangas vs Robinvale Euston at Underbool Recreation Reserve

19th Co-operative Mallee Parish celebrates 30 years - 4pm special service at Ouyen. Guests returning for the occasion include Rev Rob Dummermuth. All welcome.

23rd Mildura vet will be at Ouyen Trotting Track approx 10am

30th Free movie morning at Ouyen Library 10am -12noon  'This beautiful fantastic' is a 2016 British romantic drama film directed and written by Simon Aboud and starring Jessica Brown Findlay, Tom Wilkinson, Andrew Scott, Jeremy Irvine, Anna Chancellor, and Eileen Davies.




April 2024

19th Underbool CFA  AGM including BBQ tea  6pm Underbool Fire Station. All members welcome to attend.

25th ANZAC Day dawn march to memorial at Outen Park, followed by a service then breakfast by the Underbool Linga Hall. RSVP to Joan  0427 946310 for catering please. All welcome.  Details here

March 2024

1st World Day of Prayer, prepared by women of Palestine. 9am Cooperative Parish Church, Fasham St Underbool. All welcome.  Enquiries to Marg Prentice.

1st Underbool Social Evening - The Taste Lab Street Kitchen & Eatery is coming to Underbool with another delicious menu by Chef Dan and Pharmacist Alex. Pre order at Spiilt Milk or Pink Lakes Pantry RSVP Feb 26th

19th Water Exercises at Underbool Swimming Pool 2.30pm led by MTHCs Tsharni Burns, $5 per person. Suitable for all abilities.

24th Coffee with a Cop 9am - 11am All welcome to meet Sen Constable Jesse Spry at Spiilt Milk and the Underbool Police Station. Discuss concerns, ask advice, enjoy a friendly chat over a cuppa.   Jenny Snadden from MRCC will also be present to chat to carers in the area who may be seeking support.

24th Youth Church Underbool Rec. Ground 1.30 - 3pm Traditional picnic & games, Interactive Easter Bible message. All Welcome  More details


February 2024

2nd Barefoot Bowls: names to Veronica 0427547654 or Maggie 0438853218 or arrive by 6.45pm at Bowls Club $5 entry, equipment supplied. All welcome.

5th Fitness February Mondays at Underbool Swimming Pool 6am-9am, Lap swimming, walking exercise etc

7th Underbool Press special meeting, 7pm Outen Park  All welcome to have input - decision on future of Underbool Press

26th  RSVP due today for dining at the Underbool Social Evening on March 1st.

27th Water Exercises at Underbool Swimming Pool 2.30pm led by MTHCs Tsharni Burns, $5 per person. Suitable for all abilities.



























 April 2021 

6th MRCC Library Service recommences in Underbool 11am at Underbool Hall

9th CFA Biennial meeting at Underbool fire station. BBQ from 6.00pm followed by meeting.   All welcome

11th Underbool Bowls Windup and Presentation Day

21st Rural Outreach Library service at Underbool Hall 11 am

28th Underbool Linga Hall General meeting 7.30 pm at the hall.  All welcome









April 2020

17th Underbool RFB general meeting 6.30pm after BBQ tea 6pm - at Underbool Fire Station  POSTPONED

 24th Outen Park WW1 commemorative  memorial unveiling. Details to be announced. UPG   POSTPONED

25th 'Dawn' march followed by service at Outen Park. Display in Hall. Details to follow. UPG   POSTPONED























Past events


February 2020


1st Underbool District Tennis 6 week competition starts 12.30pm Underbool hardcourts


January 2020

26th Australia Day celebrations at Underbool Swimming Pool


December 2019

13th Underbool Primary school concert 6.30pm 






















October 2018

30th  Outreach library service starts at Underbool Linga Hall 10am - 1pm


April 2018

16th Silo Art Remembrance Trail Underbool Linga Hall 6.30 for 7pm start

25th Dawn march and service, Underbool   Details TBA


 February 2017

Pink Lakes Pantry - Underbool interim shop opens 27th February 9am